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  • Credit rating downgrade

    Pakistan is now closer than ever to defaulting on its sovereign debt

  • Silencing dissent

    This phenomenon of booking rivals in sedition is disgusting, and is acting as a detriment to national cohesion

  • Inclusive bureaucracy

    In developing countries, bureaucracy is considered as the engine of growth and the agent of change

  • Falling remittances

    National cash crunch cannot be addressed until overseas Pakistanis gain enough confidence to provide requisite cushion

  • The gas slap

    Pakistan has a serious energy crisis

  • Medical exam abolition

    PMDC has now exempted future graduates from taking the National Licensing Exam (NLE)

  • IIOJK internet shutdowns

    Kashmiris living under Indian occupation continue to suffer from deprivation of access to the outside world

  • Case against Tarin

    The phone conversation in which Tarin is apparently heard making a proactive assumption has landed him in dire straits

  • Pollution-induced depression

    Low socio-economic groups were more vulnerable due to constant social stress and high exposure to harmful environments

  • Domestic workers’ abuse

    A despicable act of violence took the life of an innocent 11-year-old domestic worker