Patti Paige, author of ‘You Can’t Judge a Cookie by Its Cutter’ showcases her innovative and delicious desserts
Warning: All this frowning will give you lines on your forehead, boys
While receiving the inaugural Break the Internet Award, Kim said, “Naked selfies until I die”
Our favourite Instagram account of the week is @saudi_in_london
Splore claims to be the only photo sharing app where users follow hashtags instead of people
The arrests have been made under a two-year-old sting operation named "Spider II"
Our Instagram account of the week @sophiabala is a a talented painter and a curator at Citizens Archive of Pakistan
Our theme of the week gives followers a chance to connect with other users through their photographs
Jani, a Finnish boy, is the youngest person to get payout for finding bug that allowed comments to be deleted
Our Instagram account of the week, @lookoflal is ideal for dog and fashion lovers alike!
Qamar's work is an ode to the numerous challenges faced by desi communities in the west
This week we feature @mehlum.sardiwala's Instagram account
Our theme of the week gives users a chance to connect with other users through their photographs
We take you through @spicespoon on Instagram
Instagram to bring users fun, creative and flexible ways to watch and share videos
'Shame on those people who have been having a go at Anushka'
Instagram celeb and beauty blogger Huda Kattan started the trend and coined the term
The post has become a viral sensation with over 17, 400 likes since it was uploaded last week
The picture shows the pope kneeling down praying, on the third anniversary of his inauguration as Holy Father
Sequence of posts to be based on interest in content, the user's relationship with the person or timeliness of post
Check out these stunning pictures that prove beauty is not limited to being white
Seriously, did she have a personal photographer following her around?
This week we feature our newest favourite Instagram account
Enjoy the visual treat; some of these architectural works are 900 years old
Modelling agencies are using social media worldwide to scout out their new faces
Our newest favourite Instagram account
Humaid Abdalla Al-Buqaish's 'toy' collection boasts exotic pets, sports cars and his very own zoo
View the pictures here
Deepika can't seem to keep her hands off the Hollywood hunk
Instagram confirms the feature is part of the 7.15 update for both iOS and Android users
New feature will come handy for people who use more than one account on Instagram
Instagrams this week that we couldn’t help screenshot
An Instagram account posts pictures of Islamic scholars in everyday situations
One 15-second episode will go up every day at 10pm starting February
17-year-old Cindy Kimberly was reported to be a babysitter earning £2.90 an hour
Findings suggest that body image satisfaction can be detrimental to Instagram users' relationships