The woman empowerment figure will walk the ramp on the Third day
Events such as Osama's killings galvanised public opinion, where as Mukhtaran Mai's verdict split it in two camps.
In the case of the SC verdict on the Mukhtaran Mai case, even if justice was done, it does not seem to have been done.
Dasti has sent a clear message to women that they are going to be threatened, maligned and defeated if they are raped.
Disgust at everything thrown up by those that move and shake politics and policies has bloomed and blossomed.
Jubilant villagers welcome the homecoming of those once accused of gang rape.
IHI members demand review of the Mukhtaran Mai case.
Mai’s decision to stay put and set up schools for local girls served to challenge stereotype of women as submissive.
"The government should ensure the security of Mukhtaran Mai...violating the sanctity of a woman is a sordid act."
Know also that your right to rape is supported by our legal and judicial system.
War Against Rape and lawyers shed light on ‘procedural flaws’.
Mukhtaran Mai seeking help, remaining steadfast in her demand for justice, and a divorcee — did not fit the mould.
The 13 accused in the Mukhtaran Mai gang rape case have been acquitted and released from jail.
Perpetrators of crimes against women will become even more confident of getting away without due punishment.
Courts are permitted to set aside acquittals if these are based on arbitrary and speculative findings.
Mai's counsel says the SC judgment will be challenged soon.
Human rights activists are rightfully outraged that the Supreme Court (SC) has upheld the acquittals of the accused.
Mukhtaran Mai says she will challenge the Supreme Court decision to dismiss her appeal.
Chief Justice says the judiciary cannot give a decision against any person where evidence is insufficient.
‘Shame on the nation that allows its daughters to be raped publicly, repeatedly’.
Nine years after the horrific act, the Supreme Court has held only one accused responsible, based on his confession.
Mukhtaran Mai was made into a global symbol of an abused woman, a challenge which she accepted.
HRCP expresses disappointment at SC verdict in Mukhtaran Mai rape case.
Sherry Rehman calls upon govt to file a review petition for Mai after the SC dismissed her appeal.
Verdict seen as a major blow to women who speak out against injustice.
The assault on Mukhtaran Mai exposed the vulnerability and helplessness of every woman.
This is time for reflection, policy debate and untiring advocacy.
Several organisations gather to discuss strategy on how to respond.
How one woman turned an ordeal into an inspiration for the nation.
Verdict in Mukhtaran Mai’s case will discourage women seeking justice, say activists.
It is important to remember that the problem with the judiciary isn’t that it wanted to deny Mukhtaran Mai justice.
The saddening verdict reveals all this and exposes the ability of courts to stand by victims.
Supreme Court directs immediate release of five of six men accused for gang rape.
State of Human Rights 2010 released by HRCP. US drones strikes responsible for 957 extra-legal killings.
Kiran thought the women had come to help her. Instead they passed her on to two men, who raped her at gunpoint.
‘Much has been done but much still needs to be done’.
The she-was-asking-for-it brigade, apart from their moral failings, exhibit a clear ignorance of the nature of rape.
The conduct of authorities in the rape case raises fears that justice may not be served.
Supreme Court bench hears appeals against the acquittal of the accused.
The state is rotten to its core. And if the core is rotten then the fruit is bad. Is it an irretrievable situation?
All these years later, and Mukhtaran Mai (also known as Mukhtar) is still fighting her case.
It is not easy being a woman anywhere in the world but it is a tad more difficult being a woman in Pakistan.
How did a rape victim become an icon and why?
Jamshed Dasti has allegedly threatened gang-rape victim Mukhtar Mai to withdraw her appeal against the accused rapists.