Stories from Ayesha Tammy Haq
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The real essence of Salmaan Taseer
An anecdotal account of the man that he was.
A Karachi story
As ethnic groups fight for space, economic and political control of city, nobody thinking of the city, its citizens.
Fight with ideas, guns aren’t working
Unless the government is propelled into action, the new growth framework will just be lots of nice sounding words.
Eat Pray. Prey No Love
Over the past thirty years we in Pakistan have reinvented who we are and where we came from. Shunning our heritage.
Calling this house to order
The evolutionary process has started and the best way to do this is to take this nascent democracy to the next step.
No country for coups
Instead of creating more points of conflict, let us start the process, if not reverse the damage, at least arrest it.
This is our time to live
Criticise, demand, protest — do all that is required and is right to ensure that state apparatus functions for all.
Happy birthday, Salmaan Taseer
He was a martyr for all because he had a quality that made him human; he was not afraid.
Where will the children play?
Armed forces have total control of our foreign and domestic policy, everything from foreign affairs to education.
Our faulty radar
We have spent all our existence blaming others for our woes, what are we going to do about it?