Stories from Miranda Husain
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Madmen apologists
Let us hope that this refusal to see Breivik as anything other than an isolated madman is born of naïve myopia.
The Taliban shuffle
Local journalist input is essential to guaranteeing more in-depth coverage of a particular country.
Money for nothing and cheques for free
If US is doing all the heavy lifting, what need is there to pay Pakistan for a deal not done?
A pact with the devil?
The people of the world should not have to suffer yet another war waged on possibly false pretexts.
Apologists and the second sex
When men and women condemn the subjugation of women yet fail to take action, they render themselves silent accomplice.
A dangerous place for journalists
Journalists view the anti-terror fight as American and feel responsible to uphold Pakistan’s sovereignty at all...
The imagery of war
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - a place where when lives are lost one can just play again.
OBL’s killing and the UN
Ban appears oblivious as to how the international legal system, which the UN oversees, applies to Osama's killing.
The man who sold the world
Osama bin Laden has succeeded in polarising the world in death almost as much as he did in life.
Mukhtaran Mai — down but not out
Mai’s decision to stay put and set up schools for local girls served to challenge stereotype of women as submissive.