Stories from Tazeen Javed
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Fatwas against science and semantics
Rape should purely be considered a criminal matter.
Problems unending
All state institutions seem to have put their interest above that of ordinary Pakistanis. That is the biggest problem.
Making informed decisions
Our lawmakers must make laws that affect well-being of large group of young groups who will soon be their voters.
Looking at the bigger picture
People stand up, raise voices after tragedies have become front page news but very few persevere with their efforts.
Gender and television
It is about time we challenge TV narrative that focuses on taming female sexuality and glorifies sacrificial women.
Changing attitudes towards women
The least we can do is raise the next generation of men to respect women and accord them the same dignity.
Stop wasting time discussing a tattoo
Tattoos on terrorists is not our concern, security of citizens, creating environment encouraging economic activity is.
All is fair —when there is money to be made
Insane money is to be made off properties, if few minority communities are affected, it will just cause few headlines.
Utopia in our dystopian lives
Present-day world, characterised by sense of impending doom and pessimism, there still are traces of utopia around us.
To be a woman in Pakistan
State does not distinguish between genders in citizenship responsibilities, but fails to deliver on equal rights.