Stories from Sami Shah
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The attack on Malala and the forensics of negotiation
Negotiations are flawed since we can’t give Taliban what they want & they don’t want anything less than everything.
Vulgar ignorance
Jamaat-i-Islami has rooted out the main cause of Pakistan’s recent disasters, problems: Vulgarity.
Whose ‘Umwelt’ is it?
We all live in Pakistan, but the Pakistan that we all perceive is radically different for each person.
Cops and murderers
Karachi is paying a police force that serves no actual purpose, its effectiveness goes from laughable to depressing.
A Karachiite in Islamabad
I love Islamabad because it shows when we want to, we can do things right. Hate it since we did it once, selfishly.
Pornographic terrorism
Maybe government should hire that 15-year-old to compile a new list, showing all terrorist groups we failed to ban.
Power of a Pakistani woman
Sharmeen showed that despite all the efforts of men in this country to oppress women, she persevered, gave us hope.
Viva la what?
The PTI is not some idealistic MBA joining a tobacco firm to ‘change the system from the inside’.
A shark of a tale
Perhaps it was a high profile al Qaeda member and they did what they did to prevent a shrine being made on its grave.
Wasted youth
Quest for entertainment led me to listen to some terrible songs, hold some regrettable hands. No more though