Stories from Nadir Hassan
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Judging candidates
Disqualifying people for character issues and past transgressions will take the politics out of democracy.
Dark shadows
The shadow of the military still darkens the electoral process.
Why should I vote?
The only reason to vote is purely symbolic, wave my ink-stained finger around and act as if I have done my civic duty.
Of caretaker set-ups and elections
Nawaz Sharif has picked fights with every army chief and Imran Khan is too much of a wildcard.
The bottom line
The media doesn’t consider anything to be news if it hurts the bottom line.
The flawed politician
We must stop acting like politicians are cartoon characters in a comic book, who exist only to be deified.
A legal framework for fighting terrorism
There has been no effort to improve functioning of anti-terrorism courts, which rarely deal with terrorism cases now.
How to negotiate with the Taliban
Relying on talks coupled with humanitarian assistance may be only chance we have left to reduce power of the Taliban.
India needs to play fair
If the Indians cannot guarantee our players’ safety outside the stadium, how can they ensure it inside?
Drones and exceptions
The US is saying that it cannot come up with a single justification for the legality of drone strikes in Pakistan.