A screenshot of the website provided by ProPakistani said, “When an actor in India dies every channel including yours covers it till he is buried and even after that. But thousands of Muslims are being killed in (Burma) and our Muslim sisters are being raped and dying with hunger and no one gives a damn.”
The hacker requested that the media give more coverage to the Burma killings, so that the United Nations (UN) takes action against it.
The hacker ended his message with advice to the administrators saying that the website is insecure and should be made secure to protect it from Indian hackers who may try to hack it on August 14. He also informed them that no harm was done to the website.
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No, not because NewsOne didn't give Burma enough coverage but because they had shoddy website security. Besides, hacked is the wrong word, it's more of a security exploit brought about my opportunist script kiddies.
@Awans: It was most certainly down but the same thing can happen for any number of reasons. I can't imagine anyone having good reason for being so certain that the cause was a DoS attack without them looking suspicious. They're usually done with the intent of getting some form of attention so that request for the coverage that you made doesn't help any.
@Sajid Iqbal: Your misinformation does not even deserve a rebuttal :)
Poor Pakistani websites....if spared from Indians, local hack them.
Sounds like Establishment wants to shift attention of Pakistanis away from Karachi, KP and Baluchistan killings and onto distant Burma.
Great work done by this hacker! Media has ensured a complete blackout of the Burma issue.
Also cover Balochistan please........
Well done heart bearing hacker I salute you for this !!! Only similar noble people like you can take such steps cause our so called "FREE MEDIA" has now been sold to America, for which they make transmissions only what US would ask them to do so, so as to get the dollars !!
ET last night your website was down as well with DOS attacks so first cover your own story.