Bilawal asks PM Imran to 'reveal reasons' for repaying $3b to Saudi Arabia

Slams premier for 'travelling all over the world asking for charity'; says inflation resultant of economic policies

Pakistan People's Party (PPP) chairman Bilawal Bhutto. PHOTO: FILE


Pakistan People's Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto asked Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday to reveal the reasons behind repaying $3 billion to Saudi Arabia.

"Imran Khan has been traveling around the world with a begging bowl. Undoubtedly, you're experienced in asking for charity, but countries are not run on charity," Bilawal said in a statement released today.

He further said that, "Imran Khan borrowed from China to repay a loan of $3 billion to Saudi Arabia. Premier should reveal to the nation why he repaid the money to the kingdom."

The PPP chairman observed that "every Pakistani was paying a horrific price for Imran Khan's tsunami of change."

Read Amnesty schemes for elite, food charity for poor won't work: Bilawal

"Flawed economic policies have made the lives of a common citizen miserable," he said, adding that, "If your borrowed money will continue to be wasted because of corruption, the public will continue to be suppressed by inflation."

Each Pakistani, Bilawal added, is under the debt of nearly Rs0.2 million, while paying the price of Imran Khan's ineligibility.

"The government isn't even able to payoff billions of outstanding dues to China in view of the crisis due to the circular debt."

Bilawal further added that, "Foreign investors and governments are reluctant to make any investment during Imran Khan's government."

"The reluctance of the Chinese government to release $6 billion for ML-I railway track is a reflection of their lack of confidence on the PTI government," he maintained.

On Sunday, Bilawal censured the premier, saying the country was witnessing economic destruction due to latter's "anti-people ideology".

Read more Bilawal criticises PM Imran over IMF deal review

"Prime Minister, you used to blame corruption for Pakistan's state of affairs, [look how] the country has been destroyed economically due to your anti-people ideology," Bilawal said in a statement.

"You have amnesty schemes for the elite and food charity centres for the poor. This won't work." the PPP chairman added.

According to the PPP chief, "With a 30 per cent increase in the ratio, 85 million Pakistanis are standing on the edge of the poverty line."

He claimed that, "15 to 20 people are committing suicide every day due to the situation, while medicines have become costlier by 100 per cent. The poor have no one to look up to."


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