Media Watchdog
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Fighting climate change through the courtroom
Discover why the Law and Justice Commission held a conference to raise awareness about climate change
Is the Palestinian genocide not a Pakistani issue?
This is a narrative war. Media influencers remain unresponsive as ordinary people boycott Israeli-funding products.
Digital sisterhood: A safe and empowering haven for women
These digital communities can be used by organisations, NGOs and government to transform the lives of countless women
Hadsa: Shame and consent in the “Land of the Pure”
We would rather have a rape survivor shame herself to death than rise courageous and strong for what she survived.
Women with “expiry dates”: Media’s gendered ageism
While media is becoming an effective mouthpiece for feminism, it is still blatantly comfortable with its ageist tilt
Predatory loan apps amid an economic crisis
The dire economic situation has led to a rise in predatory loan apps, exploiting and exacerbating financial hardships.
Is Pervez Hoodbhoy right? Are Pakistani men migrating to Europe for "adventures"?
Hoodbhoy argues that the "lure of adventure and libidinal frustration" is why young men are desperate to reach the EU
Shahzada Dawood’s tragic demise and your misplaced reactions
When did it become okay to make memes about someone’s disappearance or tragic death just because he’s a billionaire?
Javed Akhtar’s problematic visit to Pakistan
He turned it into an opportunity to vent his grudges, and we didn't object either but rather applauded it.
Imran Khan vs Reham Khan: Hypocrisy at its best
Imran also married three times and had an age gap of over 20 years. Yet he is praised for it while Reham receives flak