Blogs from Dr Rakhshinda Perveen
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Feminism without fear
These questions, spoken and unspoken, have rebounded throughout different phases of my life.
Journalism's Achilles heel: the moral injury in Pakistan
Journalism too, that once only meant truth telling, is experiencing betrayal as a norm in Pakistan.
Biharis' plight and obligations of Bangladesh and Pakistan
The forgotten plight of Pakistani Biharis in Bangladesh remains unaddressed, despite their sacrifices for Pakistan.
Aid, Activism and Agenda 2030
Addressing GBV requires practical solutions, empowering women, and reforming advocacy to bring real change in Pakistan
Stranded Pakistanis: two facts we choose to ignore
Bihari community’s plight for recognition and rights ignored, activist recounts lost identity, dignity
Unacceptable solutions on dowry violence: call for genuine advocacy
.Research indicates women are likely to experience repeated sexual violence, severe physical assaults
Pakistani women entrepreneurs and sole proprietorship
It is time to stop talking about empowerment and start enabling it - genuinely and inclusively.
Missing: the Bihari narrative in Pakistan-Bangladesh ties
The past cannot be buried when it continues to haunt the derailed lives of thousands of members of my community.