Leah Kateb hints at future projects with her powerpuff girls: Fans can expect more from the trio

Leah Kateb, JaNa Craig and Serena Page were the powerpuff girls of the villa and there is more to come from the trio

Pop Culture & Art July 30, 2024
Photo: Instagram@loveislandusa

Leah Kateb, Serena Page, and JaNa Craig, who charmed viewers as the Powerpuff Girls (PPG) on Love Island USA season 6, have exciting plans ahead. The trio, who bonded deeply during their time in the villa, have hinted at new projects and appearances, promising fans more of their dynamic presence.

In an exclusive interview Leah Kateb, 24, revealed, “There is a lot in the making for PPG. You guys will see more of us. We will be on your screens. We will be on your cell phones. Trust me, guys, we want to see you guys as much as you want to see us.” The nickname Powerpuff Girls, coined early in the season, has stuck with both the fans and the cast members, symbolizing their strong friendship.

Leah expressed deep gratitude for the support they’ve received from their fanbase, saying, “I never could have dreamed that you guys would support our friendship the way you have. And it’s such a sisterhood, like these are my girls.” The trio recently reunited for a day at Universal Studios Hollywood, joined by other Love Island USA cast members.


Despite the close bond, Leah acknowledged that the show’s portrayal of her interactions with JaNa Craig and Connor was somewhat skewed. The drama surrounding their relationship was a focal point on the show, particularly when Leah and Connor explored a romantic connection despite JaNa’s interest in him.

Leah shared her frustrations about the portrayal, explaining, “Even when JaNa and I were going through the whole Connor situation, we were still so close during all of it. But I will also say, I was trying to move as respectfully as I could.” She added that her respect for JaNa was paramount, though she admits the onscreen narrative didn’t fully capture her efforts to handle the situation delicately.

“I don’t want anyone to ever disrespect or question my relationship with JaNa,” Leah emphasized. The fallout from the Connor drama is expected to be addressed further during the season 6 reunion scheduled for August 19.



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