Nawaz did not flee country illegally: Solangi

Giving date for polls outside of interim govt's mandate, no ban on PTI for upcoming elections, says info minister


Interim Information Minister Murtaza Solangi has said that Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) chief and thrice-ousted former premier Nawaz Sharif did not flee the country illegally, it emerged on Sunday. 

Speaking to a private news broadcaster, Solangi said that the caretaker government has nothing to do with the PML-N supremo's return. He is the leader of a huge political party of the country, added the interim minister. 

The former premier had left for London in 2019 on medical grounds while serving a seven-year prison term handed to him in the Al-Aziza Steel Mills graft reference. He has since been residing in the United Kingdom in self-imposed exile and subsequently been declared a proclaimed offender in the Al-Aziza and Avenfield graft cases for his continuous absence from proceedings. 

PML-N president and former prime minister Shehbaz Sharif has confirmed that Nawaz will be returning to the country on October 21. Moreover, the party has announced that Nawaz will address a rally at Minar-e-Pakistan upon his return and is ready to "all kinds of circumstances". 

During his interview, Solangi said that the law will takes its course on Nawaz's return and the Constitution of Pakistan will be followed. 

When asked about who will run the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf's (PTI) election campaign, Solangi said that is an internal party matter. History stands witness that political parties have conducted election campaigns even in difficult circumstances, said, Solangi, adding that there were no restrictions on the PTI in this regard. 

"There is no ban on the PTI as a political party," said Solangi. 

Read Khuhro concerned over delay in election date announcement

In the aftermath of May 9 riots, as the state cracked down on protesters, the PTI saw a mass exodus with several of its senior leaders breaking away from the party and some stepping away from politics altogether. For many, this step was taken after multiple arrests. 

Meanwhile, the PTI chief Imran Khan, senior leader Shah Mahmood Qureshi and President Parvez Elahi, among other members of Imran's former cabinet, remain incarcerated facing numerous criminal charges. 

'Giving election date is not a mandate of caretaker setup'

In the same interview, Solangi also clarified that it was not the mandate of the caretaker government to give a date for the upcoming general elections. He added that the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) is an autonomous constitutional institution. Since the day he took oath as interim minister, Solangi said he has been in constant contact with the commission.

The minister said he has "full faith and confidence in the capability and leadership of the ECP", and assured that elections will be held on the date announced by the commission.

The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) is one of the major political parties in the country, he said, responding to another query. 

"We are going through the phase of elections. During the environment of an election, all parties and their leadership have the freedom to express their stance on any important issue," he asserted.

'Illegal' Afghan immigrants

Solangi also commented on the deadline given for the deportation of illegal immigrants living in Pakistan. He said that those who lecture Pakistan on human rights should check their own record on human rights.

The information minister said no other country in the world has hosted as many refugees over the past four decades as Pakistan has done. "Countries cannot survive with open borders. It is not possible to allow anybody to enter a territory without documentation and live freely, preparing fake passports and identity cards," he said.

The interim minister said that people residing illegally in the country should voluntarily leave the country by October 31. After October 31, he added, such illegal foreigners will be forcibly evicted from the country.

"Our aim is to defend our state and our citizens. Our primary responsibility is to defend our citizens and secure our national borders," he said.

Read more Afghan exodus: could Pakistan’s ultimatum prove risky?

Solangi further said Pakistan only wants the deportation of illegal immigrants from its soil. The country will no longer allow anyone to cross the border and live here without fulfilling legal requirements, he added. 

Privatisation of SOEs

When asked about the privatisation of state-owned enterprises (SOEs), Solangi said that the process of privatization was not initiated by the caretaker government; the previous parliament and its elected government had decided to privatize various entities.

"We are bound to implement the decisions of the previous parliament and the previous government," he said. The interim minister stressed the need for reforms in the institutions.

"Public broadcasters are considered essential services, and as they are institutions of compulsory national service. They are supported by the state worldwide," he stated, defending state broadcasters. However, Solangi added that he is against the privatization of public broadcasters. "It, as a matter of principle and ideology, is wrong," he said.

But, added Solangi, public broadcasters should not have individuals who do not belong to today’s modern broadcasting mechanisms.

When asked about fundamental changes in national broadcasters, he said making such decisions was not included in the mandate of the caretaker government.

Solangi claimed that the media in Pakistan enjoys freedom as do the courts. All registered political parties will have equal opportunities, he added. "ECP and the caretaker government will ensure equal opportunities for all political parties in the upcoming elections." 


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