Niazi — a trump card up PM’s sleeve

Imran allegedly used horoscope and oracle before nominating new AJK premier, sources claim

Prime Minister Imran Khan with newly-elect MLA Abdul Qayum Niazi. PHOTO: Farrukh Habib Twitter


Prime Minister Imran Khan’s decision to choose Abdul Qayyum Niazi as the new prime minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) has surprised not only the PTI leadership in the AJK but also the close party circles as Niazi was nowhere in the race for the region’s coveted premiership.

According to sources, the prime minister had become acquainted with Niazi for the first time at an election rally in Abbaspur area of Poonch district last month and had expressed amazement as the Niazi tribe to which Imran Khan himself belongs is settled primarily in Mianwali district of Punjab.

Abdul Qayyum Niazi was not among the four PTI candidates who had been interviewed for the post of the AJK prime minister. These candidates were Sardar Tanveer Ilyas, Barrister Sultan Mahmood, Khawaja Farooq and Azhar Sadiq.

The sources said the premier discussed the credentials of these four candidates with his close aides but when he could not come to a conclusion he used horoscope and istikhara [oracle] which ultimately led him to select Niazi for the post.

Interestingly, the number assigned to Abdul Qayyum Niazi’s constituency – LA-18 Abbaspur Poonch-I – also was significant in his nomination to the covet position as “18” apparently has a special meaning in numerology, a mystical study of numbers.

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They said Prime Minister Imran Khan did not reveal the decision till the last moment. He sent for Minister for Kashmir Affair Ali Amin Gandapur, handed him a letter and asked him to read it in front of the PTI’s AJK Legislative Assembly lawmakers after calling them in the speaker’s office.

The premier kept Niazi’s nomination under wrap till the last moment apparently to avoid any possible pressure from other aspirants and their supporters.

The sources said the AJK lawmakers are still reeling from the shock of the premier’s decision as no one expected that Niazi would be selected for the post.

Interestingly, the selection of Usman Buzdar for the post of Punjab chief minister was an equally surprising decision for many. There were rumours that Buzdar, who was little known before his nomination as the chief minister of the country’s biggest province, was also selected for the post on the basis of an oracle.


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