PM seeks provinces’ input by 14th to ease lockdown

Says provincial govts will identify various sectors, professions on which restrictions can be eased

Prime Minister Imran Khan. PHOTO: FILE

Prime Minister Imran Khan has urged the nation to demonstrate unity to mitigate the adverse impacts of the novel coronavirus pandemic, saying the decision about easing the countrywide lockdown will be taken after receiving inputs from all the provinces by the 14th of this month.

“The provincial governments will apprise the federal government by April 14 of various sectors and professions on which restrictions can be eased to ensure people earn a living,” Premier Imran said while presiding over meeting attended by members of the Balochistan cabinet and assembly during his daylong visit to Quetta on Thursday.

Federal ministers Asad Umar and Zubaida Jalal, Balochistan Governor Justice (retd) Amanullah Khan, Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan, Minister for Education Sardar Yar Muhammad Rind, Commander Southern Command and senior officers were present.

The prime minister said, “Daily wage workers in Balochistan can suffer more from the lockdown than those in other parts of the country.”

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He added that there is a shortage of medical equipment all over the world and the federal and provincial governments are on the same page as the virus has to be defeated as part of a combined effort.

“All provinces will have to prepare accordingly,” the PM said.

The premier said that by April 14, provincial governments will apprise the federal government regarding various sectors and professions which can have restrictions eased to ensure "people can earn a livelihood".

“Daily wage workers in Balochistan can suffer more from the imposed lockdown than other parts of the country”.

Referring to the global situation, the premier said the government was also analysing data of coronavirus cases in the country and also in the UK and US.

He added that the government was also looking at the number of cases in India and Bangladesh as the population trend in those countries is similar to Pakistan’s.

After receiving a briefing on the coronavirus situation in the province, the premier said that it is a blessing that none of the coronavirus patients is in the intensive care unit.

The prime minister expressed apprehensions that the hospitals in the country would face immense pressure due to the likely surge in the number of coronavirus cases by the end of this month.

PM Imran said, “The federal government is trying to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to all doctors and medical staff to ensure their safety while treating coronavirus patients.

“There is a shortage of medical equipment all over the world and the federal and provincial governments are on the same page as the virus has to be defeated as part of a combined effort.”

Imran urged all provinces to prepare accordingly.

He called for adopting an effective and coordinated strategy to ensure uninterrupted supply of food items, continuity of economic activities, provision of job opportunities and reduction in poverty in the province in the wake of the situation arising out of the coronavirus outbreak.

Stressing on the importance of sustained review of such a strategy, he also asked for the formation of a think tank comprising experts from various sectors.

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Giving recommendations, he said the think tank should prioritise and focus on the welfare of the poor people living below the poverty line.

Imran also highlighted the importance of easing restrictions for the promotion of agricultural activities and supply of food items in the province.

Imran said, “The federal and provincial governments are working in cohesion to cope with the situation arising out of the Covid-19 while the National Command and Control Centre is minutely observing it across the country.”

Referring to the global situation, the premier said the government was also analysing data of coronavirus cases in the country and also in the UK and the US, adding that the government was also looking at the number of cases in India and Bangladesh as “the population trend in those countries is similar to Pakistan’s”.

During the meeting, he was briefed about the measures taken to take care of the people affected by coronavirus, arrangements made for the facilitation of pilgrims, uninterrupted supply of food items, provision of protection kits for doctors and health workers, and a future strategy to cope with the situation.

He was also briefed about the provincial government's current and future relief packages, distribution of ration among the deserving people, establishment of a Corona Relief Fund by the parliamentarians, various waivers for health workers and the measures regarding disinfection campaign at different places.

After receiving the briefing, the premier said, “It is a blessing that none of the coronavirus patients is in the intensive care unit.”

The prime minister also visited the Quarantine Centre at the Bolan Medical College Hospital, Quetta. He was accompanied by CM Kamal, National Assembly Deputy Speaker Qasim Khan Suri and Rind.  The Balochistan chief secretary briefed the premier about the isolation ward and Quarantine Centre. (With additional input from app)