Coordination cells to streamline local govt

These bodies have been established in 15 different departments

Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar. PHOTO:INP

The Punjab government has approved the formation of coordination cells to ensure the complete implementation of the Local Government Act 2019. The aim is to ensure effective communication between all LG stakeholders so they can streamline service delivery.

The coordination cells have been established in 15 provincial departments. The cells will work under the local government secretary, while their convener would be the special secretary of the different departments. The cells were set up in the departments of communication and works, water resources, school education, higher education, agriculture, local government, communication and works, primary and secondary health, finance, board of revenue, forests, wild life and fisheries, housing and urban development, environment, livestock and dairy development, P&D, prosecution and others. Their responsibilities, under the Local Government Act 2019, would be to look over the departments’ inner activities. They will also ensure coordination between employees and officers of local governments. Other responsibilities include bringing reforms to the village, panchayat and neighborhood levels.

In the biggest department of Punjab – Communication and Works — the coordination cell has included 12 officers. The convener in this department would be the special secretary of communication and works. The other 11 departments would have one additional secretary establishment, three additional secretaries technical, a deputy secretary establishment, a deputy secretary admin, a deputy secretary housing, a chief engineer for north and south highways and buildings, a chief engineer research and development and a chief engineer planning and development.

According to government sources and the local government act, the departments which need employees/officers shall have them appointed. It was further stated that officers and employees would be appointed in such a way that there was no shortage nor surplus.

Secretary to Local Government Captain (Retd) Saif Anjum said that by forming the coordination cells, the workforce of officers and employees would benefit a great deal. He added under the local government act, an effective system of grassroots governance would be established. He said this would also ensure better coordination between the local government and other departments.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 2nd, 2019.
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