Low-income cardiac patients have been forced to purchase a sizeable portion of their medicines out of their own pocket
Eager youth paying millions of rupees for admission to universities abroad end up losing both their money and time
Low-income cardiac patients forced to purchase a sizeable portion of their medicines out of their own pockets
As the government bans Qingqis and loaders from roads, critics argue the move will impact the livelihood and transport
625,410 three-wheeler rickshaws are plying across roads in the province
While the government is unable to invest in health and education, civil servants continue to use taxpayers' money for
Over 35,000 vehicles used by the entire bureaucracy consume more than Rs50 million worth of fuel daily
Unregistered centres charge heavy fee, violate agreement
Rs20,000 to Rs30,000 are charged for a 10 to 15 day training as Unregistered centres violate agreement
Lack of disposal facilities at hospitals allows medical waste to be stolen for recycling and resale