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Biker’s lane project sparks skepticism
Critics and bikers argue that a separate lane for motorcyclists will only aggravate traffic congestion, road accidents
Libraries fail to promote literary engagement
Outdated books, lack of facilities have contributed to the dying culture of reading
Libraries fail to promote literary engagement
Only 11 libraries are available across 41 districts of the province, where 34 districts have no libraries at all
Family planning programs miss the mark
Despite a billion-rupee budget for population control, birth rate in most populous province remains a challenge
Family planning programs miss the mark
During the past six years, the population of Punjab has increased by 16 per cent, reaching 127.69 million
Plastic ban fails to achieve desired results
Despite imposition of hefty fines on sellers shopping bag industry continues to thrive in Punjab
Plastic ban fails to achieve desired results
Despite the imposition of hefty fines on sellers, the shopping bag industry continues to thrive in Punjab
Govt schools lack scientific laboratories
Students enrolled in pure science subjects are unable to learn practical skills required for excelling in their exams
Digital railway signaling remains dysfunctional
Despite the passage of 15 years, the dated lever and cable system for redirecting trains could not be upgraded
Govt schools lack scientific laboratories
Students enrolled in pure science subjects are unable to learn practical skills required for excelling in their exams.