Pakistan’s UN peacekeeping role shows strong support for multilateralism: Lodhi

Says Pakistan has for six decades provided personnel, assets, training and financing for UN peacekeeping operations

Pakistan's ambassador at United Nations Dr Maleeha Lodhi. PHOTO: TWITTER

Pakistan's longstanding contribution to United Nation's peacekeeping reflects its strong and consistent support of mulilateralism, the country's ambassador to the UN Maleeha Lodhi stated on Thursday.

Speaking during the UN Security Council debate on ‘Investing in Peace: Delivering Quality Training and Capacity Building to Improve the Performance of UN Peacekeepers’, Lodhi, said that despite its own challenges, 'Pakistan had for close to six decades consistently provided personnel, assets, training and financing for UN peacekeeping operations.

“Pakistan’s participation in UN peacekeeping is one of the most tangible demonstrations of our commitment to the United Nations and a practical way of reaffirming our abiding faith in the purposes and principles of UN Charter," said the ambassador.

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She added that Pakistan’s credentials as among the largest and most consistent troop contributing countries is well established.

Ambassador Lodhi also told the fifteen-member world body that Pakistan was host to one of the earliest UN peacekeeping missions, the UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP), which continued to play an invaluable role in a volatile and fraught environment.

During her statement, Lodhi also discussed issues of capacity building, pre-deployment training, preparations and the professional competence of peacekeepers.

“Pakistan has been a leader in this field, and the performance of our troops in the field is a testimony to the premium that we place on training and professionalism.

“Pakistan is also participating in the relatively recent initiative of training the trainers program”, she added.

Referring to the Centre of International Peace and Stability, which was inaugurated in Islamabad by the then UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, Ambassador Lodhi said that through this institution Pakistan had institutionalised an elaborate system of training.

“At the recently held peacekeeping ministerial, in addition to personnel and assets, we have also offered peacekeeping competencies of this centre to other troop contributing countries”, she recalled.

Highlighting the need to incorporate best practices and on ground experiences of troop contributing countries while evolving mandates, Ambassador Lodhi urged the UNSC to improve formal and informal consultations mechanisms with relevant stakeholders.

“The Group of Troop Contributing Countries, that Pakistan and Morocco Co-Chair, has emerged as an important informal platform that can be used for this purpose”, she added.

Highlighting that peacekeeping has evolved over the years from single dimension monitoring to multidimensional mandates, Ambassador Lodhi pointed to more robust peacekeeping undertaken by the Blue Helmets.

“Protection of civilians, supporting peace processes, peace-building, national capacity building and institution building are all now interconnected facets of Peacekeeping Missions. This is the context in which ongoing reviews, debates and discussions on the evolving nature of Peacekeeping have to be situated”, she maintained.

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Ambassador Lodhi also argued that the principles of peacekeeping were not an impediment to mandate implementation. “They in fact ensure the UN’s credibility and neutrality, achieved over decades of service and sacrifice”, she added.

Ambassador Lodhi also reiterated that peacekeeping was a collective endeavour and pointed out that while troop contributing countries were required to provide well-equipped and well-trained personnel, other peacekeeping stakeholders also had to give their best to attain real success.

“In order to attain durable peace, political processes must accompany peacekeeping efforts. This is essential for credible exit strategies”, she concluded.
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