The incident took place in Rawat Banglani village located in Kot Ghulam Muhammad taluka. According to the police, a wrangle started between the brothers, Dilbar Banglani and Dur Muhammad Banglani, over children making noise.
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Dilbar later brought his handgun and allegedly fired gunshots at his younger brother, Dur, a government school teacher, killing him on the spot. He also shot his other younger brother, Aijaz Banglani, when he intervened to stop the fight. Dilbar, who was an employee of the irrigation department, later took his own life by shooting himself in the head.
Aijaz sustained a gunshot wound in the abdomen and was shifted from Civil Hospital, Mirpurkhas, from where he was taken to Civil Hospital, Hyderabad. The bodies were handed over to the family after post-mortem. The incident's FIR has yet to be registered.
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