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  • BJP in rough waters

    Let BJP’s power arrogance get an axe by its own state organs

  • K-P’s education crisis

    Report paints a grim picture of the quality and standard of postgraduates produced

  • Belligerent rhetoric

    It is somewhat reassuring that Singh has a well-established reputation for crackpot theories

  • Hurried legislation

    Bill can be withheld at the Presidency too for reasons of sanity

  • Preserve Karoonjhar

    Despite this positive step, the shadows of illegal mining still loom over Karoonjhar

  • Not the first time

    PML-N supporters also regularly point to the language used by Imran and other current and former PTI leaders

  • Uneven taxation

    This paradigm is a mockery of any genuine taxation philosophy

  • Falling investor confidence

    Foreign investors not interested in people of Pakistan, their primary interest is what shareholders want

  • Another Tayyaba

    Recent case brings back concerns of the accused being held to a lesser standard of justice, rather than higher one

  • Pak-US horizons

    In post-withdrawal phase from Southwest Asia, the US and Pakistan have smartly resurrected their new positions

  • Vulnerable varsity students

    Educational institutions are meant to be places of enlightenment

  • Interim set-up

    Let the interim set-up be apolitical with men of integrity, and with the only task of holding free and fair polls

  • Education in peril

    Education is the bedrock of any nation’s progress

  • Power tariff hike

    Improving financial health of power distribution companies, addressing circular debt’s root causes are also essential

  • Non-aligned in conflict

    Same is the case when it comes to Russia and Ukraine

  • Passport predicament

    A proactive approach is essential

  • Factories in residential areas

    Residential areas are intended to provide safe and peaceful environments for families and individuals

  • Engage TTP, what?

    This new stunt from the Taliban will surely be contested by Pakistan, and the regional states alike

  • Overdue relief

    Plight of those affected cannot be ignored any longer

  • Nuclear security

    Report also suggests intensive work to “strengthen insider threat prevention” and cybersecurity

  • Peccavi and the power to heal

    This is just the beginning, and the future can be worse if appropriate actions are not taken now

  • Population crisis

    Urgency of addressing Pakistan’s population explosion therefore cannot be overstated

  • Cypher saga

    Imran’s own response thus far has been dismissive

  • Terror backlash

    This uptick in revulsion has multiple factors behind it

  • Muzaffargarh murders

    It is a heartbreaking truth that children around the world face various forms of violence and exploitation

  • Gloomy IMF report

    IMF believes it will take at least another year for inflation to return to single digits

  • Trans-rail connectivity

    Salient features of the UAP Railways are encouraging

  • Action against loan apps

    FIA has launched a probe into the case, resulting in the arrest of nine suspects and the booking of 19 individuals

  • The grain deal

    UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres’ SOS is worth considering

  • AIDS: glimmer of hope

    UNAIDS agency’s roadmap outlines a clear path towards achieving an end to the world’s deadliest pandemics

  • Rising sugar Prices

    Govt fails to effectively stop sugar mills from holding back stocks to benefit from future price hikes

  • Military Reconnect

    Iran and Pakistan's decision to collaborate in efforts to eradicate terrorism from border areas is a welcome change

  • Protect our children

    Coordination among various stakeholders, including the police, parents, and relevant agencies, is essential

  • Power price shock

    This is why it remains unlikely that prices will go down anytime soon

  • Debt-trap, no surprise!

    No effective austerity measures were taken to cut down on non-productive expenses

  • Police violence

    These incidents have raised mistrust between the citizens and the police

  • Multidimensional poverty

    While road ahead may seem challenging, Pakistan has the potential to make substantial progress in reducing poverty

  • Gangrene in Afghanistan

    Taliban, of course, have their own set of problems to deal with but checking terror groups must top their priority

  • Cultural tourism

    Pakistan boasts a diverse range of attractions that captivate the imaginations of travellers from across the world

  • India’s naval upgrade

    It is no surprise that India has plans to add to its arsenal of Rafale fighter jets

  • Election time?

    Last 15 months had been an era of trial, tribulation since the PTI govt was ousted through a vote of no confidence

  • Loan sharks

    FIA can lend a helping hand in tightening policies and authenticating the platforms

  • Countering religious hatred

    It is worth noting that several EU member states have spoken out against religious hatred

  • Standby injection

    Pakistan literally is in for another programme with the Fund

  • Maternal deaths

    This crisis reflects a range of underlying issues that need to be addressed promptly

  • Israel on human rights!

    Foreign Office also questioned the need and timing of the Israeli comments

  • Perplexing Parachinar

    The tribal belt also is a hotbed of foreign meddling

  • Compensate the displaced

    They are human beings with rights who deserve compassion, respect, and support from the authorities

  • Unsafe LPG cylinders

    Unsafe cylinders are still a step up on the reckless trend in parts of the country to use plastic bags for gas storage

  • Reviewing Aug 5 acts

    Constitution had barred it, overruling it through a berserk act of parliament is unqualified under all canons of law