Stories from Kamal Siddiqi
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Giving to the right quarters
Report indicates that about 98% of people in the country give in one form or another
Justice for Ajay Lalwani
The manner in which journalists are killed and their murders not investigated puts a lot of questions before the govt
All’s well, Mashallah
When driving across Pakistan, what comes across is the genuine belief amongst most that Covid is an urban phenomenon
Facts and the Aurat March
The question of course is that whether this could have been avoided if a proper fact-check was done
A mixed report card
As things stand, the government has made limited progress towards achieving its promises
The sad story of Chahat
Time and again we have read stories or seen videos where violence against transgenders is shown and even glorified
Questions about the vaccine
Apart from money, the bigger issue is the availability of the vaccine
Dishonour killings
There should, in this 21st century, be no murders that are justified by the claim of upholding a non-existent ‘honour’
Questions on free speech
Many who argue about what should go on social media and what should not. The bigger problem is who decides this
Moving ahead in 2021
We need to understand that the battle against Covid hasn’t been won