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  • All hat and no cattle

    Despite progress, funding commitments to address loss and damages in the global south fell short

  • Addressing drug abuse

    Education, awareness are essential to provide people with accurate and reliable information about dangers

  • Interest rate status quo

    It is not just private investors who are concerned

  • Another acquittal

    Pace of re-trials and prompt acquittals in both corruption cases must come as a case study for intelligentsia

  • Election ambiguity

    Public is left to navigate landscape where political leaders offer varying perspectives on electoral timeline

  • The ugly face of terror

    Pakistan, having fought and won war on terrorism, stands in a much stronger position to quash its resurgence

  • UK migrant income policy

    Average salaries in London are significantly higher than in rest of UK

  • Status of Kashmir

    This constitutional review will have long-term implications on political mosaic

  • Battling thalassemia

    Cultural norms, stigmatisation of healthcare procedures and a lack of awareness are exacerbating problem

  • Exporting meat

    Sustainable practices need to be promoted to prioritise both export-oriented production and local affordability