Animal waste
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Over 100,000 tons of animal waste cleared
Administration, civic bodies take stock of post-Eid cleanliness drive
Heaps of offal proves Sindh govt reeks of corruption: PTI
Haleem Adil Sheikh asks PPP to stop dreaming about winning AJKL polls
Increased threat: Birds flock to animal waste around BKIA
Officials say WSSP did not tell people not to dump animal remains around airport
The big clean-up
Cleaning up urban Pakistan after sacrifice of animals is a task carried out with a lack of uniformity across country
Public hygiene: Animal remains litter city despite cleanliness drive
Citizens throw offal out on streets, public places
Karachi’s Wasteland
Delayed action left citizens spending Eid among entrails and carcasses
CDA to dispose of animal waste
The capital has been divided into four zones
Innards everywhere: Plan finalised for disposal of animal waste
Around 16,000 pamphlets will be distributed and hundreds of banners will be put on display