7 ways to rock a summer workout despite the heat

These tips will keep you motivated throughout this summer

Just because it is hot outside doesn’t mean you need to give up your daily exercise regimen. Temperatures might rise but your weekly workout sessions should not fall. As compiled by mindbodygreen.com, womenstalk.com and greatist.com, these tips will keep you motivated throughout this summer.

1. Change the time of your exercise

If you like going outdoors for running, try exercising early mornings or late evenings when the temperatures are cooler. According to a study published in Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, our body temperatures are lower in the morning as compared to the rest of the day.

2. Swim

Swimming is an ideal exercise for summers with loads of benefits, from strengthening the shoulders to improving lung function. It has low impact for people with arthritis, musculoskeletol, or weight limitations, says Robergs, director of the exercise physiology laboratories at The University of New Mexico in Albuquerque.

3. Stay hydrated

The hotter the temperature, the greater risk you have of being dehydrated, especially during an intense workout. Drink minimum one to two cups of water 30 minutes before your workout. Continue to drink it after every 15 minutes of your workout. Drinking water helps to wash out all the toxins from your system, improves circulation and keep your cells well, says Rujuta Diwekar, author of Women & The Weight Loss Tamasha.

4. Mix it up

Doing the same workout can be boring and stressful on the body and mind. Try different exercises, such as yoga, pilates, or aerobics that are offered during your preferred exercise time. The best thing about such exercises is that you can do them indoors, thus avoiding the scorching weather outside.

5. Listen to your body

Exercise in a kind and enjoyable way. If you face any difficulty resulting in headaches, nausea or cramps then give yourself a break and don’t be too hard on yourself. Take it gradually as it is quite likely that the heat might get to you causing heat exhaustion. Dr Shivani Chowdhury Salian, an associate professor in the Department of Physiotherapy at Dr DY Patil University puts the reasons for dizziness down to drop in blood pressure, sudden change of position, drop in blood sugar or exercising at a high intensity.

6. Start small

Don’t fool yourself into believing that a hard core workout will help you achieve your weight loss results faster. On the contrary, it might be possible that it might be harder to make yourself exercise the next time. Exercise doesn’t need to be extreme. Gradually work your way up to the pace you want to achieve. Beginning with something as simple as a morning walk can do wonders for your health. It is important to remember that focusing on less helps one achieve more.

7. Exercise with a partner

To make your workout more fun and exciting, try pairing up with someone who will keep you motivated and encouraged. You’re less likely to skip out on workouts, and you’re more likely to tackle intimidating moves and tough out those last few reps that you might have let slide if you were on your own, says Shannon Yontz, who co-owner of True North Fitness & Health in Ventura, California. The key to achieving your fitness-related goals is to be consistent and persistent. Being healthy and fit is a life-long commitment; hence it is crucial that we don’t make excuses for delaying exercise until the weather gets better.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 15th,  2015.

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