CEC to be appointed soon: Khursheed Shah

Opposition leader says govt has suggested names of Justice (retd) Rana Bhagwandas and Justice Saeeduz Zaman Siddiqui

Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Khursheed Shah said on Thursday that names for the appointment of a permanent chief election commissioner (CEC) will be finalised during the next two to three days.

Addressing the media in Islamabad following a meeting with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif regarding the issue, Shah said, “It is our desire that the CEC will be appointed with consensus.”

Shah further said he suggested the name of former Supreme Court chief justice Justice Mian Ajmal for the post. However, the government rejected his name, Express News reported.

The leader of the Opposition further claimed that the government suggested the names of Former Supreme Court judge Justice (retd) Rana Bhagwandas and PML-N presidential candidate Justice Saeeduz Zaman Siddiqui for the post of the poll chief.

Shah said as leader of the Opposition, he would contact other political parties, including Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), for the Opposition’s joint nominee for the post.

In light of this, later in the day, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf vice chairman Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that Shah called him and proposed three names which the PTI leadership has considered.

"We have proposed that Justice (retd) Nasir Aslam Zahid should be included in the list as well," Qureshi added.

Meanwhile, according to Express News bureau chief Ilyas Rana, the opposition leader in the national assembly denied of proposing the name of Justice Zahid to the PTI leader.

On Wednesday, Shah said, “The prime minister has not contacted me regarding the appointment of CEC. It proves that the delay is on part of the government.”

Following the 18th Constitutional Amendment, the prime minister must consult the leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly and reach a consensus on a nominee for the position. In case they fail to agree on one name, both must propose three names each to a specially-constituted parliamentary committee, which can then pick out one name.

The constitutional office of the CEC has been lying vacant for more than a year now.

Justice (retd) Fakharuddin G Ebrahim had resigned from the post in July last year when opposition political parties levelled rigging allegations in the May 2013 general elections and later in the presidential polls held in July 2013.

The Supreme Court has been pressing the government to appoint a CEC immediately and has given till November 13 for the post to be filled.
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