Get your patriotism on: National flag hoisted at various universities

Students dressed in green and white chant Pakistan Zindabad.


“Every citizen must perform his or her duty with devotion and dedication...this is the only way our country can achieve respectability among the comity of nations,” the University of Health Sciences vice chancellor said at the flag hoisting ceremony at the UHS campus on Thursday.

Vice Chancellor Major Gen (r) Muhammad Aslam said there was a need to revive the true spirit of the Pakistan movement which was the foundation stone of the country. Staff members and UHS students were present at the flag hoisting ceremony on the campus.

Post Graduate Medical Institute Principal Anjum Habib Vohra presided over the flag hoisting ceremony at the institute. Participants chanted “Pakistan Zindabad” at the flag hoisting ceremony. Many of the nurses were dressed in the colours of the national flag and appeared enthusiastic about celebrating the Independence Day.

Professor Vohra said the youth was celebrating the day with the aim to bring about true change in Pakistan in accordance with the wishes and ideas of Quaid-i-Azam and Allama Muhammad Iqbal. He said, “It is our national duty to make Pakistan a country in which peace, love and respect for each other reigns.”

He said all segments of the society, especially students, had valiantly struggled during the Pakistan movement. “We need the same spirit and zeal today to develop and build our beloved home land.”

PGMI students sang national songs, delivered speeches and presented tableaux depicting the importance of freedom and independence. They expressed their commitment to leave no stone unturned to achieve their goals of attaining education and serving the ailing humanity. Students also sang the national anthem and saluted the national flag. The event concluded with the distribution of gifts among patients and prayers for progress and integrity of Pakistan.

At the Punjab University, Vice Chancellor Dr Mujahid Kamran presided over the flag hoisting ceremony. “Independence Day requires us to be knowledgeable, soldier-like and disciplined in our daily life,” he said.

Dr Kamran stressed the need to respect one another and shun discrimination based on religion, caste and colour. The VC said that Pakistan would not only weather all challenges successfully, but eventually become a prosperous country one day. He said Pakistan had rivers, mountains, oil, gas, coal and other mineral resources. He said, “Unfortunately we did not have the knowledge to manage them and neither are we working towards creation of knowledge.” He said the Partition was necessary because Muslims would have had no chances to develop and progress in a united India. He said Muslims had rendered great sacrifices to get Pakistan. He said, “We must help our fellow Pakistanis with open hearts.”

Students and faculty of the Government College University celebrated Independence Day by saying prayers for peace and prosperity in the country. They paid a tribute to the Pakistan Army involved in the ongoing military operation in North Waziristan.

Addressing the grand flag hoisting ceremony, Vice Chancellor Muhammad Khaleequr Rahman said peace was essential for economic development. He stressed the need to strengthen educational institutions and said, “A uniform education system can ensure national harmony and social tolerance.”

The vice chancellor also announced one-day additional salary for non-gazetted staff of the university.

Prof Rehman said Allama Iqbal’s philosophy and Quaid-i-Azam’s life served as beacons of light for Muslim youth in the contemporary world. He said the vision for Pakistan was attributed to a gifted Ravian student and teacher, Dr Allama Muhammad Iqbal. “The glorious tradition nurtured by Allama Iqbal has been aptly upheld by the successive generations of Ravians,” he added.

The vice chancellor and heads of academic departments hoisted the national flag in the Bukhari Auditorium. It was followed by a broadcast of the national anthem.

The Independence Day celebrations at the Government College of Home Economics, Gulberg, began with hoisting the national flag. Students played the national anthem on the sitar. Chief Guest Principal Lubna Faisal, faculty members, students and other staff said a prayer for the country.

Later, students presented speeches, sang national songs and presented slide shows highlighting the various aspects of the struggle for independence and the valuable services of Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and other leaders.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 15th,2014.
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