Meeting In Kabul: Peshawar-Jalalabad motorway on cards

Pakistan also wants to extend the Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement to Tajikistan.

APP May 19, 2014

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and Afghanistan on Sunday underscored the need to enhance bilateral trade from $2.4 billion to $5 billion in the years ahead. This was discussed in a meeting between Pakistan’s Ambassador to Afghanistan Syed Abrar Hussain and a delegation of Pak-Afghan Joint Chambers of Commerce and Industries and senior government officials, led by Afghan Deputy Minister for Trade, Mozammil Shinwari, which met him in Kabul. “In order to improve trade with the neighbouring countries, Pakistan would like to construct a motorway and railway lines from Peshawar to Jalalabad and Chaman to Spin Boldak,” the ambassador told the delegation. Similarly, he said, Pakistan also wanted to extend the Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement to Tajikistan.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 19th, 2014.


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