Cricketers’ central contracts face delay

Selectors’ engagement yet to be renewed as January 31 deadline looms.

PCB Chairman Zaka Ashraf is attending the International Cricket Council meetings in Dubai as the selectors and players await contract renewal. PHOTO: SHAFIQ MALIK/EXPRESS

KARACHI: Like last year, national cricketers may have to wait for a long time to get their central contracts with the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) renewed.

The new central contracts are due this month. However, the formation of a new list of players for inclusion in the PCB’s payroll is seemingly not among the priority list.

It has been learnt that Zaka Ashraf, who was reinstated by the Islamabad High Court earlier this month, has not given any instructions to the selectors in this regard. He awaits the outcome of the government’s appeal against him, which is to be heard in the Supreme Court this week.

On the other hand, national selectors including Azhar Khan, Salim Jaffar and Farrukh Zaman are also waiting for the renewal of their contacts that are set to expire on January 31.

“There is uncertainty within the selection committee,” an official close to the selection committee told The Express Tribune.

“The Asia Cup and World Twenty20 are just around the corner, yet the selection process has come to a halt.”

Moreover, the official added that if the current selection committee was retained, it would need time to announce the central contracts.

“This selection committee wants to evaluate the players after the World T20.”

He added that the selectors had suggested to Najam Sethi – before his Interim Management Committee (IMC) became dysfunctional – to continue with last year’s salaries till then.

The board announced the previous contracts in May 2013 after a long delay. As many as 30 players were included in the PCB’s payroll in category A, B and C besides the stipend group.

‘Players want raises’

Leading cricketers have asked for a 30-35% hike in salaries in the new central contracts.

Currently, a player in category A is getting a monthly retainer of Rs359,375, while players in category B and C are earning Rs251,562 and Rs143,750 each respectively.

The report of demands came during Sethi’s tenure, but the official said that the IMC chairman was caught up in other issues before his removal.

The official was unaware if current chairman Ashraf had had any discussions on salaries with the national cricketers.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 28th, 2014.

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Hitler | 10 years ago | Reply

I have always wandered why players get fee even if they fail miserably. Why not is there a system where players are compensated according to their performance. Don't mean to be harsh but wouldn't it be better?

This will enable players to perform well whatever the match situation is!

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