Police mobile attacked in Karachi

Two police officers injured, one culprit killed in attack.

A file photo of a police mobile. PHOTO: MUHAMMAD NOMAN

Miscreants attacked a police mobile in Karachi with a hand grenade on Friday, Express News reported.

The attack left two police officers injured while one of the culprits was killed in retaliatory firing.

Yesterday, a suicide attack on a police convoy in the city killed Karachi’s top cop Chaudhry Aslam. The TTP had claimed responsibility for the attack.

Mosque explosion

A blast inside Karachi’s mosque – located in Millat Town – injured three on Friday.

The explosive material was planted in a Quran box which exploded when a child tried to relocate it while cleaning the mosque.

The injured were taken to Jinnah hospital while police cordoned off the area.

Security officers inspected the mosque for more explosives and declared it safe.

According to Express News, a bomb blast took place in the same area around two months ago.
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