Poisonous air is good for you …

It is simplistic to think that ‘set-ups’ such as governments, for example, control countries and what goes on in them.

The writer is author of The Gun Tree: One Woman’s War (Oxford University Press, 2001) and lives in Bhurban

The notion that life — the extremely materialistic version currently in fashion — must be lived and lived to the fullest of personal financial abilities possibly has, unfortunately, been fed, on a round-the-clock basis, to an extremely gullible public for so long that trying to get people to face reality is all but impossible. Yet, the reality that they are living out their lives as the slaves of global corporations is, when examined in the clear light of day, so utterly terrifying that if they dared to think, they might well die of shock.

There is no need to talk of the ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ as if it is sheer jest: in harsh reality, it is already the truth and a truth that is rapidly carrying the entire global populace to hell in a very large — disposable of course —bucket, with bells on so that they actually enjoy the ride!

Blindly going with the flow of accepting a materialistic, largely disposable, certainly toxic, lifestyle simply in order to emulate the rest of the sheep in the flock, shows just how insidiously global corporations have, over the last few decades, worked out the best possible way of brainwashing the millions of victims who, on the whole, don’t have the slightest idea that they are victims of anything, let alone fraud.

The human race has — and Pakistan is a prime example — been quietly convinced that the increasingly poisonous air, earth and water that all life actively depends on, is safe to breathe, to produce food in, to drink and will, as more and more toxins accrue on all levels, continue to allow the natural world to both exist and sustain life. This is unforgivably naïve.

It is simplistic to think, for a single moment, that ‘set-ups’ such as governments, for example, control countries and what goes on in them: it is not so.

Behind each and every government in existence are global corporations, often heavily disguised, operating the strings of whichever potentially profitable puppets they have elected — yes ‘elected’ — as having the highest profitability rate for them. The ‘hidden hands’ of global corporations, whose funding ultimately decides who is who, what is what, which wars should be fought and won, which wars should be fought and lost and which economy goes to the wall next so that greed-controlled corporations can be the first to pick over — and profit from — the remains.

One of the most ridiculous aspects of this global corporate slavery is, quite often, that the ‘out to save the world’ environmentalists continue warning others of the unsustainability of the lives they currently lead and who are themselves no more than talkative slaves in materialistic action.

The sad fact of the matter is that global resources are not endless and many like the various metals and minerals used in cell phones and computers are not renewable either. This alone — not to mention a myriad of other things biodegradable and otherwise — is simply the tip of the iceberg as to why the way we live must change and why corporations, along with the governments they have created, must be overthrown and completely replaced with sustainable systems.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 26th, 2013.

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