For a greater cause: British women support thalassaemia patients through fundraiser

BWA has been working to help thalassaemia patients through the collection of funds.

The fundraiser was full of decoration items, clothes and other commodities at its stalls at the Beach Luxury Hotel. PHOTO: AYESHA MIR/EXPRESS

To support thalassaemia patients, British Women’s Association (BWA) organised a grand charity bazaar at the Beach Luxury Hotel on Sunday.

The organisation has been working to help thalassaemia patients through the collection of funds at the fundraiser. The huge attendance showed that many families intended to support the BWA team through the purchase of different items, including clothing, artificial jewellery, decorating items, packed vegetable items and other commodities.

“It is a real cause to help the needy and the deserving people,” said Jean Scott, a member of the BWA. The 50-year-old member Scott has been working for the association for the last five years. She believes that the real satisfaction is when one is a helping hand for many. She had also set up a stall and all her items were sold out within four hours.

Another elderly female volunteer said, “We support those who work for humanity, which is a great work,” she said with smiling face adding that the association has been supporting different projects across Sindh

“The situation in the city has reduced such activities,” said a visitor, Ameen, who has been visiting such bazaars for the last 15 years. He regretted that he could not directly help the organisation, adding that he purchased many items from such charity bazaars feeling that it helps the needy and the deserving. He further said that he would bring his relatives and friends to visit and support the cause.

Maleeha, who set up her artificial jewellery stall, said that she set up her stall to support the cause as well as introduce her products to the market.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 16th, 2013.
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