Uprooted power pylons

Less than two weeks ago, a storm lashed the area around Muzaffarabad and uprooted a number of power pylons.

Letter August 06, 2012
Uprooted power pylons

ISLAMABAD: Less than two weeks ago, a storm lashed the area around Muzaffarabad and uprooted a number of power pylons resulting in the loss of 1500 MW of power to the national grid. May I point out that the loss of 500 MW in the transmission system translates into one hour of loadshedding countrywide. In a country that has been facing several hours of daily loadshedding for the last many years, six hours of additional loadshedding resulting from uprooting of pylons around Muzaffarabad should have jolted the authorities into taking necessary remedial action as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, this does not appear to be the case. The electronic media, which is known for keeping the public updated on an almost hourly basis about allegations levelled by politicians against one another, press conferences, statements and other doings of business tycoons and actresses (Riaz Malik and Veena Malik) et al, has been silent about it. The print media, too, has largely failed to report on the pace of measures being taken by the authorities concerned to erect the pylons. Almost total neglect of this matter by the media is indicative of its preference for reporting only about matters that can generate sensation and hysteria. It also reflects the general public’s appetite for the sensational. The media could improve its image if it informs the public about what is the latest on the uprooted pylons.

Khalid Idrees

Published in The Express Tribune, August 7th, 2012.


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