The water car fraud

To me, questioning the second law of thermodynamics is akin to blasphemy (metaphorically).

Letter August 03, 2012
The water car fraud

ROME: This is with reference to Pervez Hoodbhoy’s article “The water car fraud” (August 3). Being a student of science, I was appalled at the response that Agha Waqar Ahmad has been given by media persons. To me, questioning the second law of thermodynamics is akin to blasphemy (metaphorically). I am happy that among my downtrodden, ill-educated people, there are people like Dr Hoodbhoy and Dr Attaur Rahman, who give me hope.

On the other hand, I am deeply saddened by the comments made by Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan and Dr Samar Mubarakmand. What prompted them to endorse this so-called invention, considering they are people of recognised eminence, is beyond me. I wish Dr Hoodbhoy luck in his effort to bring sanity to the country.

Ali Iqbal

Published in The Express Tribune, August 4th, 2012.


Abid P Khan | 12 years ago | Reply

@Riaz Khan: "Dr. A. Q. Khan & Dr. Samar has thoroughly disappointed us! What level we have reached." . These two persons have certified that to arrive to the 21st century, it may take more than 1400 years.

Riaz Khan | 12 years ago | Reply

Dr. A. Q. Khan & Dr. Samar has thoroughly disappointed us! What level we have reached.

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