Alumni reunion: Retiring FCC rector honoured

FAA honoured Rector Dr Peter Armacost at its annual reunion held on March 3.

The Forman Christian College Alumni Association (FAA) honoured Rector Dr Peter Armacost at its annual reunion held on March 3. Dr Armacost, who was the chief guest at the occasion, is retiring from the office in June. Speakers praised Dr Armacost for his role in rebuilding FCC. They also remembered the support provided by his wife, Dr Mary-Linda Armacost, a noted academic. Dr Armacost thanked the audience and said that the revival of the institute had been achieved through teamwork. He said the contribution of the faculty had been instrumental in raising the standard of education at FCC. The rector later introduced the incoming rector, Dr James Tebbe, who will take charge of the office on July 1. Dr Tebbe is the son of a former FCC principal, Dr Robert Tebbe.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 9th, 2012.
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