Undiplomatic and arrogant

Afghan diplomats' refusal to stand for Pakistan's anthem in Peshawar sparks outrage and raises diplomatic tensions.

Protocols and pleasantries are a constant in the diplomatic niche, and are attended to in all detail. The unbecoming attitude of the Afghan Consul General in Peshawar, and his staff, who defied the norms of decency and state-centric values by refusing to stand on Pakistan's national anthem is irksome. It simply exhibited bad-blood and the snub that a section of Afghan society unfortunately has for Pakistan as they nurse grievances from the checkered bilateralism. Paying respect to the national anthem and flag is mandated under international law, and is a common denominator of respecting each other's sovereignty. Even enemy states at multilateral gatherings behave in all humility. Thus, there is no logical or interpretative excuse whatsoever as the Afghan delegation tried to put up a face over Peshawar offence.

It is more heart-wrenching to note that the disgusting behaviour came as a function was underway to mark the birth anniversary celebrations of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The great law-giver of mankind had preached self-respect, endurance and discipline, and had showcased love and affection throughout his life. Thus, a state purporting to be Islamic and an ardent believer in the Prophet's (PBUH) Sunnah should not have stooped too low to show disrespect to Pakistan's identity. The discriminatory act demonstrated that Afghan diplomats played to the gallery in geo-political terms, and had unnecessarily invited flak for their own country. Pakistan and Afghanistan are already passing through a tough moment of redefining their ties, and in such an environment stoking public sentiments is a bad policy.

This unexpected, undiplomatic and arrogant act is unacceptable on the part of Afghan diplomats. It confirmed their little understanding of statecraft in august gatherings. Kabul must make them stand retribution for their unethical behaviour, and apologise to the Pakistani nation. It is disturbing to note that similar reprehensive measures were evident in the past as well, as the Pakistani flag was desecrated by Afghans, and no official condemnation was reported. The landlocked state should do some introspection on Pakistan's largesse and watch its steps before going astray.

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