‘Guide like stars, enhance like salt, nourish like rain’

Bohra community head shares universal values of humanity


Continuing his exploration of Quranic and prophetic analogies as the theme of this year's Ashara Mubaraka in Karachi, the leader of the Dawoodi Bohra community, His Holiness Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin on Wednesday highlighted universal themes of community, friendship, and personal growth, drawing inspiration from three hadith of Nabi Mohammed SAW regarding his companions and ummah.

These hadith used powerful natural analogies: stars as sources of guidance, salt as a key element in food, and rain as a universal provider of good.

Building on these metaphors, Syedna Saifuddin emphasised the importance of unity and mutual support within society.

He encouraged the community to guide each other like stars, enhance each other's lives like salt improves food, and provide universal benefits like rain. His Holiness stressed the value of consistent support in joyous and difficult times, echoing the hadith's wisdom.

Syedna also shared insights on discernment in relationships, cautioning against harmful friendships using parables and historical examples. He touched on balancing spiritual and material pursuits, suggesting that worldly success often follows sincere devotion to one's faith and values.

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