‘13 Going on 30’ actress Jennifer Garner beats drum for Palestine at Angel City FC and Bay FC game

Jennifer Garner shows solidarity with Palestine by beating the drum at the Angel City FC and Bay FC game on June 23rd

Image: Reuters.com

Actress and movie star Jennifer Garner made a notable appearance during the Angel City FC and Bay FC soccer game on Sunday, June 23rd. Garner, who is a co-owner of Angel City FC, was seen enthusiastically hitting the drum in support of Palestine. This act was part of a broader display of solidarity with the Palestinian cause during the game.

Garner’s actions were not just limited to this single event. She has been actively involved in various philanthropic efforts and has used her platform to raise awareness about numerous social issues. Her involvement in the soccer match was part of a larger initiative by Angel City FC to engage with and support global humanitarian causes.

This demonstration of support was particularly significant given the heightened tensions and violence in Gaza. Garner's visible support for Palestine at such a public and widely viewed event underscores the growing intersection of sports, celebrity influence, and political activism. It also highlights how public figures can leverage their visibility to bring attention to important global issues.

The reaction to Garner's actions has been overwhelmingly positive, with many fans applauding her for taking a stand and using her influence to highlight the plight of Palestinians. This move aligns with a broader trend where celebrities and public figures are increasingly becoming vocal about their stances on international issues, using their platforms to advocate for change and raise awareness.


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