Meghan and Prince Harry's diverging paths raise questions about their future

Experts hint at a growing rift as Meghan and Harry's differing priorities spark questions about their future together.


Meghan Markle and Prince Harry seem to have different priorities, leading experts to suggest they might be on different pages. 

According to the Mirror, author Tom Quinn believes that while Meghan focuses on their life in the US, Harry "broods over the past."

Since stepping back from royal duties in 2020, the couple has pursued various projects, including the Invictus Games and Meghan's new brand, American Riviera Orchard. 

Quinn remarked, "Meghan appears to have moved on to some extent, but then she was only part of the Royal Family for a relatively short time. She has more to focus on in the States than her husband has." He added that Meghan drives the Sussexes' commercial ventures in the US, while Harry "has a little to do beyond brooding over the past."

Relationship expert Louella Alderson told the Mirror that Prince Harry and Meghan may have different priorities. She explained, "Given Harry was born into the Royal Family in Britain, it's understandable that he would have a strong emotional attachment to his past... Meghan was born and raised in America, and it would feel more like home to her."

Recently, Prince Harry listed the United States as his permanent residence in official documents. Press Box PR expert Lynn Carratt suggested this indicates the Duke's "heart isn't in the UK anymore" but noted he has no need to become a US citizen. She added that Harry's British roots remain strong given his birth in the UK and his father's role as king.

Carratt's comment sparked debate about Harry's potential US citizenship and its implications for his titles. Ms. Alderson noted, "As a couple, they may be able to navigate these differences... balancing individual ambitions with their shared commitment."

Ultimately, communication and understanding between Prince Harry and Meghan will be key in navigating any differences, according to the relationship expert.


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