Federal probe pauses controversial Vince McMahon sex trafficking lawsuit

Sex trafficking and abuse claims put on hold as investigation intensifies.

Janel Grant, a former World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) employee, has agreed to temporarily halt her lawsuit against ex-WWE chairman Vince McMahon, former WWE executive John Laurinaitis, and the WWE itself. 

This decision comes at the request of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York to facilitate an ongoing federal investigation.

"Ms. Grant has consented to a request by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York to stay her case against Mr. McMahon, WWE, and Mr. Laurinaitis, pursuant to a pending non-public investigation," Grant's attorney Ann Callis stated to USA TODAY Sports. 

"We will cooperate with all appropriate next steps," Callis continued.

Grant’s lawsuit, filed in Connecticut in January, alleges that McMahon coerced her into a sexual relationship in exchange for promised employment at WWE. 

The accusations include forced sexual relations, the sharing of private photos and videos, and coercion into sexual encounters with other WWE staff, including Laurinaitis.

"McMahon also subjected Grant to acts of extreme cruelty and degradation that caused Grant to disassociate and/or become numb to reality in order to survive the horrific encounters," the lawsuit claims.

In response to the filing of the lawsuit, McMahon resigned as executive chairman and board member of TKO Group Holdings, WWE's parent company. 

Despite stepping down, McMahon has continued to assert his innocence regarding the allegations.


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