Oprah Winfrey reveals her biggest regret

"It set a standard for people watching that I nor anybody else could uphold,one of my biggest regrets."

Oprah Winfrey acknowledged her past contributions to diet culture, saying "I've been a steadfast participant in this diet culture. Through my platforms, through the magazine, through the talk show for 25 years, through online —I've been a major contributor to it," during a live Weight Watchers YouTube event.

Winfrey specifically mentioned a controversial episode from her talk show in 1988 where she wheeled out a wagon filled with animal fat to represent her weight loss from a liquid diet. She said of the episode, "It set a standard for people watching that I nor anybody else could uphold," adding that it was "one of my biggest regrets."

Winfrey stated her desire to move away from weight-shaming, saying "Whatever your path, let's stop the shaming," and instead promote body acceptance and healthier mindsets. She also announced she is "done" with promoting fad diets, stating "I cannot tell you how many weight loss shows and makeovers I have done, and they have been a staple since I have been working in television."

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