Crime and business

Targeted killings coupled with resurgence of ‘bhatta mafia’, extortion threats, have created an atmosphere of fear

December 31, 2023

The escalating crime rates in Karachi have cast a long and ominous shadow over the city’s bustling business community, triggering a cascade of concerns that reverberate far beyond immediate safety issues. The recent surge in criminal activities has emerged as a formidable challenge, prompting business leaders to confront the unsettling reality that their operations are increasingly at the mercy of criminal elements.

The targeted killings of traders in various markets, coupled with the resurgence of the ‘bhatta mafia’ and extortion threats, have created an atmosphere of uncertainty and fear. This is a major deterrent for businesses, impacting investment decisions and potentially leading to a reevaluation of their presence in Karachi. Such sentiment reflects not only the immediate threats posed by criminal elements but also the broader impact on the overall business landscape. The Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been vocal about the severity of the situation, even contemplating the viability of continuing commercial operations in the city. In a crucial meeting with Karachi’s police chief, the business community sought reassurance and decisive action. The acknowledgment by the police chief of existing challenges within the police department, coupled with concerns about criminals being released by the courts, shows just how complex and multifaceted the issue has become. While the police promise commitment in addressing the rise in crimes, a comprehensive approach involving both law enforcement and judicial reforms is imperative in which the culture of impunity is done away with.

At the grassroots level, a focus must be made on enhancing law enforcement presence, involving increased patrols and visibility in commercial areas to deter criminal activities. Leveraging modern technology, such as surveillance cameras and facial recognition systems, can also significantly enhance law enforcement capabilities, aiding in monitoring high-risk zones and investigating criminal incidents more efficiently.


Published in The Express Tribune, December 31st, 2023.

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