Siraj vows to bury politics of heredity on Feb 8

JI chief says PML-N, PPP, PTI responsible for inflation, unrest, unemployment in country

Jamaat-e-Islami chief Siraj-ul-Haq. PHOTO: FILE


Jamaat-e-Islami chief Sirajul Haq has said that the country can move forward only with the strength and continuity of democracy and the parties of oppressive landlords and corrupt capitalists are an obstacle to the stability of democracy.

“Jamaat-e-Islami wants the rule of law instead of individuals while the rest of the parties have the theory of power of individuals or families,” Siraj said while addressing a workers' convention in his constituency NA-6 Shahi tehsil Samarbagh, Dir.

The JI chief blamed the “failed policies” of the PML-N, PPP, and the PTI for inflation, unrest and unemployment in the country, saying that the people had recognised them and on Feb 8, the sun of republican rule will rise.

“The politics of families and heredity will be buried,” he said, vowing that the JI would come to power and make Pakistan a modern Islamic welfare state according to the edict of Quaid-e-Azam.

Read Elected government vital to bring peace: JI

Siraj said the JI would bring reforms in every sector after coming to power. “The focus of reforms will be the development and prosperity of the common man. We will reduce the administrative budget, increase the development budget, and eliminate VIP and non-developmental expenses.

“Long term plans will be created. Jamaat-e-Islami is preparing a vision till 2050, if Allah wills, Pakistan will become a lending country. The 42 types of taxes on people will be abolished and tax will be imposed on land production and income, ensuring fair distribution of wealth.”

The JI chief was of the view that improvement in the economy was possible through the abolition of usury. Siraj said that the atomic bomb was used on Japan, but due to good governance, the Japanese nation not only rose up in a very short period of time but also emerged as a superpower. It proved that for the development and prosperity of societies and countries, qualified leadership was the first requirement. Unfortunately, for the past 76 years, he said, “Pakistan has been ruled by cruel landlords, corrupt capitalists and a few families”. Thirty-five years were wasted by dictators and the remaining period was wasted by the so-called democratic governments of political parties. “They made properties for themselves, increased wealth in sugar mills and abroad, built their future and destroyed the nation.”

The rulers handcuffed the nation with the IMF and World Bank loans as each child owes Rs300,000. “Thirty million children do not go to school due to poverty, 80% of the population lack clean water to drink, the economy is destroyed and the institutions have become weak, the common man does not get justice, the doors of the courts are always open for the powerful while the poor are humiliated in the police station.”


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