Pakistan Climate Conference 2023 to take place on Nov 1

Conference will focus on mitigating the recurrence of natural disasters

Pakistan is highly vulnerable to climate change impacts. AFP


The Pakistan Climate Conference (PCC) 2023 is scheduled to take place on November 1 of this year, said a press release by the Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OICCI).

"This is the second consecutive year that the OICCI is organising a multi-stakeholder dialog to propose collective solutions for Pakistan’s climate emergency. Starting in 2022, the Pakistan Climate Conference brings together national and international experts to identify and implement efforts needed to promote positive climate actions and reduce climate change impact in Pakistan."

Read: Piecemeal approaches to climate change

Furthermore, the conference will also focus on mitigating the recurrence of natural disasters, such as the devastating floods of 2022. Last year's devastating flood claimed 1,700 lives, affected at least 33 million people, and displaced around eight million.

Amir Paracha, president of OICCI, emphasised the immediate need to tackle climate risks in Pakistan, citing the catastrophic loss of over $30 billion in 2022 due to severe flooding. He added, "The ongoing threat of climate and environmental change poses a dire threat, potentially reducing Pakistan's GDP by 18-20% by 2050. These stark numbers underscore the urgent need for a proactive approach to develop a national effort to mitigate climate change."

Rehan Shaikh, vice president, acknowledged Pakistan's challenges in meeting its ambitious Nationally Determined Commitments (NDCs) and highlighted the eminent need for dialogues, sound policy development, and effective implementations.

Also read: Artificial evolution due to climate change

Andrew Bailey, a member of the managing committee, highlighted the conference's role in building on insights from PCC 2022 and cop 27 to identify essential actions for mitigating climate risks in Pakistan, aligning with the agenda for cop 28.

Moreover, OICCI member companies actively contributed Rs1.2 billion in 2022 for climate action.

M. Abdul Aleem, secretary general, emphasised that addressing climate issues must be a ‘collective national effort’ and acknowledged the importance of public-private collaborations in achieving climate-related objectives.


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