Fall from grace: Malala's 'immediate ceasefire' call for Israel-Hamas clash leaves many livid

'If you're not with the oppressed, you are with the oppressor,' many commented on Nobel Peace Prize laureate's take

In the midst of a heated online debate wherein celebrities and prominent figures are being chided or celebrated for the side they align with, activist Malala Yousafzai released a statement on the one-sided "clash" between Israel and Palestine. 

"I join the call for an immediate ceasefire," began Malala in her statement on X. "As I have processed the tragic news of the past days, I think of the Palestinian and Israeli children caught in the middle. I was only 11 years old when I witnessed violence and terrorism. We woke up to the sounds of mortar shells, saw our schools and mosques destroyed by bombs. Peace became something we could only dream about."

The youngest Noble Prize laureate continued to state, "War never spares children - not those kidnapped from their homes in Israel, not those hiding from airstrikes or without food and water in Gaza. Today, I am grieving for all the children and people longing for peace and justice in the Holy Land."

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