May 9 brazen attack on state of Pakistan: PM Shehbaz

Prime minister insists all 'culprits are being dealt with under the law', assures of commitment to human rights

Web Desk June 05, 2023

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Monday said that the May 9 incident was a "brazen attack on the state of Pakistan" with "sinister objectives" as he continued to lash out at the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

Shehbaz took to Twitter to clarify that “the culprits [of May 9] are being dealt with under the law” and assured that he will ensure “no rights violations take place”.

The prime minister accused the PTI chief and his party of attempting to destroy the country’s “integrity” and resorting to acts that “no country in the world would tolerate”.

Shehbaz vowed that “Pakistan fully respects and is committed to all its constitutional and international obligations on human rights [sic]”.

He also dismissed claims of human rights abuses and restrictions on the right to political protest with regard to May 9 and the events that have followed. Such rhetoric, according to the prime minister, is “aimed at manipulating and swaying opinion-makers outside the country”. Shehbaz insisted that every case associated with May 9 “will be dealt with due process under the law”.

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On May 9 and 10, the country witnessed chaos and rioting as scores took to the streets in retaliation to the PTI chief’s arrest, which was declared “illegal” two days later by the Supreme Court.

Protestors blocked main thoroughfares across the country, attacked Jinnah House, which serves as the residence of the Lahore Corps Commander, as well as the gates of the military’s General Headquarters (GHQ) during the mayhem.

The government in turn responded by shutting off mobile internet services and restricting public access to information while incidents of law enforcement authorities opening fire on protestors were reported in some parts of the country.


Pakistan’s already flailing economy took further hits in the aftermath of the arrest given the political uncertainty and suspension of internet services.

Since then, nearly all PTI leaders have condemned the rioting witnessed on May 9 and 10 and have issued statements calling for the sanctity of the armed forces to be respected.

Several senior members of the PTI have also resigned from the party, many doing so after multiple arrests and several rounds before the courts. Hundreds of PTI workers and supporters have also been rounded up, with some facing military trials.

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The political turmoil has yet to subside with tensions running high between the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) led federal government, its allies united under the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) banner and the PTI. Recent events have also brought to the front and centre an apparent rift within the judiciary, adding to the political uncertainty in the country.


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