LoU signed to protect rights of senior citizens

Human rights ministry will create fund to provide assistance to senior citizens



The Ministry of Human Rights, Pakistan and HelpAge International on Tuesday signed a letter of understanding (LoU) to promote and protect the rights of senior citizens.

The LOU was signed by Abdul Sattar, Director General, Ministry of Human Rights and Syed Moeez Kakakhel, Country Director, HelpAge International.

The event was attended by government officials from MoHR, representatives of Civil Society, media and senior citizens in Islamabad.

In his welcome remarks, MoHR Deputy Director Rana Tariq Ali informed the participants that the National Assembly had passed “The Islamabad Capital Territory Senior Citizens Bill, 2021”. He highlighted the steps taken so far to roll out the act.

The ministry has formed the senior citizens’ council headed by the Federal Minister for Human Rights. The Ministry of Human Rights, he said is bound to create a senior citizens fund whereas the matter has been taken up with the finance ministry and will be approved this year. "We will need guidance in creating old age homes and regulations keeping in view the global best practices as it has become a need of the hour."

He underlined that the grievances committee constitution and its rules are also needed under the legislation. The Punjab government has established old age homes in seven divisions but has not framed any law on it, he said. "We not only intend to bring legislation but rather an attitudinal change in the society pertaining to senior citizens."

"A senior citizen card will also be issued and they will be entitled to not stand in queues and also get 20% discount on medicines," the official said.

In addition, he said the ministry has to do a lot of work and will need cooperation from civil society in this regard.

Country Director HelpAge International Syed Moeez-Kakakhel said the population of senior citizens globally was rising with population growth. He added that around one billion population in the world is above 60 years of age, and it will cross 1.4 billion by 2030. "Pakistan is the fifth most populous country and its old age population will reach 43 million by 2030. The youth population to shrink and senior citizens number will rise with time," he added.

The country director noted that women's life expectancy is more as compared to men in Pakistan whereas both equally faced the issues of secure income and health problems. He highlighted that climate change results in various natural disasters like floods and heatwaves in which older people are the most affected. Moeez emphasised the involvement of the younger generation in educating the senior citizens on technology usage, Shahzado Khaskheli, Head of Programmes, HelpAge International - Pakistan said the world population on November 15, 2022, reached eight billion and the planet Earth could only accommodate the same number of people.

"Aging population is growing very fast. As per 2017, there were 962 million old-age people which is 13% of the global average. By 2050 100+ population to constitute 3.4 million international frameworks related to population ageing," he added.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 3rd, 2023.

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