Siraj urges institutional neutrality to save Pakistan

JI chief laments parties in parliament focused on their own issues

News Desk April 18, 2023
Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) chief Sirajul Haq PHOTO: INP/FILE


Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) chief Sirajul Haq has stressed the need for neutrality among three key institutions in Pakistan – the Supreme Court (SC), the establishment, and the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) – to save the country.

Speaking in Express News programme ‘Hashtag Politics’ with host Farwa Waheed, Haq emphasised that solution to the country’s problems lied with the people, but unfortunately the political parties in parliament were only focused on their own issues.

He expressed concern that the issues facing ordinary Pakistanis, farmers, and villagers were being neglected. As a result, he said the people were suffering due to the lack of attention toward their issues.

“We want the future generations to have peace, justice, access to basic necessities like clean water, and a better quality of life in the country, The JI chief stated. “People should be allowed to decide their own destiny.”

When asked about the lack of protest against inflation, Siraj acknowledged that inflation, unemployment, and unrest were significant challenges that had become uncontrollable, and attributed them to the actions of the current rulers.

Referring to his meeting with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif last week, he said he underscored the urgency of the situation and the need for addressing the issues before the upcoming elections.

Haq expressed the desire for caretaker governments at the Centre and the provinces before holding elections. He warned that if transparent elections were not ensured, the results may not be accepted.

The JI chief noted that leaders from all political parties, including Imran Khan, President Dr Arif Alvi, and Prime Minister Shahbaz, agreed that the country’s situation was dire, but they were hesitant about the way forward.

He also mentioned that there was uncertainty about the future, including the role of the Supreme Court and the establishment, causing stress and tension in the atmosphere.

He emphasised that the top court, the establishment, and the electoral supervisor should remain neutral to save the country, and called on the establishment to prove its neutrality through actions, as it has declared neutrality from politics.


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