Girl killed in mysterious firing incident

Police doubt family's statement that she died of a bullet fired by robbers



A girl died in a mysterious case of firing at her home in the Awami Colony area Korangi district early on Friday morning.

The family has claimed that fleeing robbers opened fire in panic as a result a bullet hit the girl that proved fata. However,

according to the police, no evidence of looting was found in the house. The incident is suspicious due to the contradictory statements of the family members.

According to the details, 19-year-old Khair-un-Nisa daughter of Qadeer died in a mysterious incident of firing on the night between Thursday and Friday. Relatives took the girl  to the Jinnah Hospital.

While talking to the media at Jinnah Hospital the relatives of the deceased said that four armed men entered the house. After tying the family members with ropes, they also put blankets over their faces. Three robbers looted valuables while the fourth accused kept a watch on the family members.

After the robbery, the accused entered our uncle;s house through the terrace. At that time, the uncle and the elderly women of the house were awake for Tahajjud prayer. When they heard noise they shouted on which, robbers opened fire indiscriminately, as a result of which a bullet hit Khair-un-Nisa on the neck while there are also bullet marks on the wall.

When contacted, SHO Awami Colony police station Inspector Farasat Shah said that incident is suspicious. No evidence of robbery was found in the house and nothing is gone from there not  even the mobile phone. All family members have their mobile phones and all the furniture and other things of the house were unmoved.

The police said that when different information was obtained from the family members, each of them told the time of the incident different. It is a three-storey house and their uncle's house is ground plus one. So there is a need of a ladder to come to ground plus one from the third floor. The bandits cannot bring ladder with them and it is not possible to jump from such a height. SHO said that when information was obtained from the neighbours regarding the sound of firing, they also replied in the negative. Moreover, there is no entry except for the main gate. On the other side of this house, the walls of the houses are connected to each other. The police handed over the body to the heirs after conducting formalities at the hospital. The investigation will resume after the burial.

On a question, the SHO said that the girl's father is retired as a peon from the education department whiles her brothers work in local factories. Regarding the education of the girl', one of the family members said that she was a matriculate and someone said that she was an intermediate student.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 24th, 2022.

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