The Health Edit

A guide on golden milk and its benefits

What is Golden Milk and how is it beneficial?

Many urban cafes have been taking orders for vegan matcha latte: Golden Milk aka turmeric latte or turmeric tea by storm. In its most basic iteration, golden milk is a hot or cold beverage that’s made by combining either turmeric powder or fresh turmeric root with your preferred milk like cow, almond, soy or coconut. Often, several flavour-boosting ingredients are added to the recipe such as black pepper, ginger, cinnamon, and honey. Black pepper, specifically, is said to boost the body’s ability to absorb curcumin, the main bioactive compound within turmeric.

The origins of golden milk can be traced back to ancient India, where it is still used in ayurvedic medicine to help with insomnia, coughs, and colds. The main ingredient in golden milk, turmeric root has been found to possess potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and it’s at the root of many of golden milk’s proposed health benefits. In fact, turmeric and its main bioactive compound, curcumin, have been studied extensively for their ability to help combat a number of health conditions, from Alzheimer’s to arthritis to depression, all of which have been linked to chronic inflammation.

Getting your daily dose of turmeric by sipping on a delicious serving of golden milk is a great way to pave your way to better health.

Golden Milk Benefits

Golden milk may improve heart health.

Research suggests a mug of golden milk may complement an overall heart-healthy diet and exercise regimen. Curcumin and turmeric have been shown to protect your heart in numerous ways like improving endothelial function and reducing inflammation and free-radical damage.

Golden milk may help you to sleep better.

People who have tried golden milk are hooked on it and most of them make it a ritual to have it before bedtime because the way it settles the mind and body and brings the entire being to relax and calm. Milk also contains carbohydrates in the form of lactose and consuming carbohydrates before bed has been shown to help you fall asleep faster. Plus, hot beverages of any variety have a soothing quality and have been associated with reduced anxiety.

Golden milk may boost immunity.

Curcumin’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties all work together to bolster the immune system which may lend legitimacy to the ancient ayurvedic practice of using golden milk to help treat coughs and colds.

Golden milk may ease joint pain

Inflammation is a major contributing factor in the joint pain associated with arthritis. Multiple studies have found that curcumin, found in the turmeric used in golden milk, can ease the specific pain that osteoarthritis patients experience. In fact, curcumin has such impressive anti-inflammatory properties that in some cases it has been found to be more effective than no steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen.

Golden milk may improve digestion and gut health.

Research reveals that curcumin possesses anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties that make it beneficial for overall digestive and gut health, and even for preventing colorectal cancer. In one study, a daily dose of curcumin over 30 days reduced the number of lesions in the colon by 40 percent such types of lesions have the ability to turn cancerous. Curcumin has also been used to treat inflammatory bowel conditions like colitis and irritable bowel syndrome. Additionally, the ginger in many golden milk recipes can further boost digestive health, as it has been shown to speed up gastric emptying time, which can reduce bloating and nausea.

Golden milk may help keep your memory sharp.

Many degenerative brain disorders are caused by a decrease in a key hormone called brain-derived neurotrophic factor which helps the brain form new neural connections. Curcumin has been proved to increase levels of this important hormone. Additionally, because curcumin crosses the blood-brain barrier, research has suggested the brain can benefit from its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant benefits and stave off conditions like Alzheimer’s.

Golden milk may boost your mood.

The turmeric in golden milk may even help ease symptoms of depression. Consuming curcumin’s has also been shown to have a potential use in depression treatment by reversing detrimental brain changes that occur in depression. It’s also been studied for its potential to boost levels of mood-regulating neurotransmitters

Golden Milk Recipes

Golden milk, sometimes called turmeric tea or turmeric latte, is incredibly simple to make in the comfort of your own kitchen. You can also stir in additional health benefits with some ingredients you probably already have on hand. You can add some ginger to promote healthy digestion and beat bloat. If one is feeling a sore throat, dollop in some extra honey or Manuka honey for its antimicrobial perks. If someone is sensitive to dairy then opt for coconut milk.

Whichever way you pour it, golden milk is simple to prepare and can be tweaked based on your personal preferences or health needs. Adding black pepper in the preparation of golden milk helps amplify the health benefits of the turmeric.


• 1 cup milk

• 1 teaspoon turmeric powder

• Pinch black pepper

• Optional ingredients: pinch of ground cinnamon, pinch of ground cardamom, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon coconut oil


Blend all ingredients together. You can use a countertop blender if you prefer that. Warm in a saucepan on the stove; simmer for fifteen minutes without boiling it and it is ready to consume.

Spiced Vegan Golden Milk

Golden milk can be prepared using your choice of non dairy milk. This recipe uses coconut milk but feel free to swap it out for almond milk, cashew milk, oat milk, or any milk you prefer.


• 1 cup coconut milk

• 1 cup water

• 2 to 3 teaspoons honey

• 1 teaspoon turmeric powder

• 1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger

• Pinch black pepper


Blend all ingredients together using a countertop or an immersion blender. Warm in a saucepan on the stove on low heat and simmer till all ingredients are mixed and blended in the milk. Pour in your favorite mug and enjoy!

Spiced Coconut Golden Milk Hot Cocoa

If you are a chocolate lover then this twist on traditional golden milk will satisfy your cocoa cravings while still offering the same health benefits of turmeric


• 2 cups coconut milk

• ½ tablespoon cocoa powder

•¾ teaspoon turmeric powder

• ¼ teaspoon ginger powder

• 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

• Pinch black pepper

• 2 tablespoons honey

• 2 teaspoons coconut oil


Mix and blend all ingredients together and add milk to it. Warm in a saucepan on the stove on low heat so all the ingredients are blended well in get the perfect golden milk flavor.


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